May 22, 2012
Chair Alba Gouldthorpe opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. Elaine Byrne, Steve Fram, Health Agent Deborah Rogers, and Health Inspector Virginia Bacon also attended.
Elaine Byrne moved to accept the April 17, 2012 minutes as written, seconded by Steve Fram and voted unanimously.
47 ORCHARD STREET – John Hargreaves from GA Consultants, Inc. requested the following variances for the property located at 47 Orchard Street. 1.) To reduce the required 4’ separation between the bottom of the soil absorption system and high groundwater elevation to 3’ provided. 2.) To reduce the minimum setback distance to foundation from 20’ to 10’ using a polyethylene barrier. 3.) To allow an 87’ setback in lieu of the 100’ setback to the properties private well. It was moved by Steve Fram to accept the variances as requested, seconded by Elaine Byrne and voted unanimously.
14 MORGAN AVENUE – Liz Dupre from Clear Water Environmental, LLC requested the following variances for the property located at 14 Morgan Avenue. 1). A variance is needed to reduce the septic tank from a property line from 10’ to 3.2’. 2). A variance is needed to reduce the septic tank from the foundation from the required 10’ to 3.2’. 3). A variance is needed to reduce the separation from the foundation and the leach field from the required 20’ to 12’. 4). the required 3 bedroom minimum septic design flow is unable to fit on the small lot. Therefore, the existing 2 bedroom dwelling will require a 2 bedroom deed restriction. It was moved by Steve Fram to accept the variances as requested, pending a deed restriction for a 2 bedroom, seconded by Elaine Byrne and voted
3 PEARSON DRIVE – Bob Grasso from Engineering Land Services requested the following variance for the property located at 3 Pearson Drive. To reduce the required 5’ separation between the bottom of the soil absorption system and high groundwater elevation to 3’ provided, using a Presby system. It was moved by Elaine Bryne to accept the variance pending a maintenance contract, seconded by Steve Fram and voted unanimously.
47 HANOVER STREET – Bob Grasso from Engineering Land Services requested the following variances for the property located at 47 Hanover Street. 1.) To reduce the setback from the soil absorption system to wetlands from 50’ to 14’ provided with a presby treatment system. 2.) The soils were to wet to conduct a percolation test, therefore, a soil lab analysis was conducted. 3.) To reduce the required 4’ separation between the bottom of the soil absorption system and high groundwater elevation to 2’ provided with a Presby Treatment System. It was moved by Steve Fram to accept the variances pending the Presby maintenance agreement, seconded by Elaine Bryne and voted unanimously.
6 BIRCH LANE – Bob Grasso from Engineering Land Services requested the following variance for the property located at 6 Birch Lane. To reduce the required 4’ separation between the bottom of the soil absorption system and high groundwater elevation to 3’ provided. It was moved by Elaine Bryne to accept the variance, seconded by Steve Fram and voted unanimously.
6 ORCHARD STREET –Professional Engineer Ben Osgood requested the following variance for the property located at 6 Orchard Street. The percolation test that is required in the proposed soil absorption system area, to be sent out for a soil lab analysis. It was moved by Steve Fram to accept the variance, seconded by Elaine Bryne and voted unanimously.
30 SCHOOL STREET – Greg Hochmuth from Hancock Associates requested the following variances for the property located at 30 School Street. 1). the soils were to wet to conduct a percolation test, therefore, a soil lab analysis was conducted. 2.) To reduce the setback from the soil absorption system to wetlands from 50’ to 25’ provided with a Waterloo Biofilter System. It was moved by Steve Fram to accept the variances pending DEP approval, conservation commission approval, and a Waterloo Biofiliter maintenance agreement is recorded and submitted, seconded by Elaine Bryne and voted unanimously.
Meeting Adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
The next meeting of the Board of Health will be on June 19, 2012
Respectively submitted,
Virginia Bacon